Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Name Change

It's probably no surprise to most of my readers that I married my love in January 2012.  Yes...that was approximately 81 days ago.  What an awesome day that was!  (Perhaps another post on that later?)

Today I officially began the name change process.  On my lunch hour I drove to the social security office to submit paperwork to change my name on my social security card.  I handed over my form and was told that I'd receive my new card in the mail within 2 weeks.  Once I receive that card, I can begin changing my name everywhere else.  (I can't believe how many other places I have to change my name! Yikes!)

It feels pretty official now that the paperwork is turned in.  It's for real. 

Hubs is real proud.  He likes the new ring to my name.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Party Favors!

I'm helping plan a baby barn yard animal themed baby shower this coming weekend.

I found cute candy bar wrappers on a website called bigdotofhappiness.com, visited the dollar store to hoard candy bars like a crazy lady, and got to work.

Here's a photo progression of the yummy party favors to be enjoyed by all...

Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Friday and we know it!

Cheers to Friday everybody!

It's 60 degrees and sunny in our neck of the woods this evening and we are happy the weekend is here at last!

Hubs and I made our first homemade mojitos this evening.  Umbrellas and all!

Friends are on their way for a movie night featuring Shutter Island on this Friday the 13th!

Gotta. Love. Friday!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ice Cream Before Bed

Growing up it was not out of the norm for me and my siblings to have a bowl of chocolate ice cream before bed.  I'm serious.  Chocolate ice cream before bed.  Weird, right?

I'm enjoying a late night snack of...you guessed it...left over homemade birthday ice cream!   Of course it tastes better with a little chocolate!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Homemade Ice Cream

Becoming husband's wife has also meant taking on some new family traditions.  Homemade vanilla ice cream is a real birthday treat in my husband's family.  Since husband celebrated a birthday recently and his parents were in town this weekend, I decided to take a swing at making it from scratch myself.

It was much easier than I expected.  We bought an ice cream maker attachment for the KitchenAid mixer a few weeks ago. The attachment is a bowl that feels like its full of liquid.  I cleaned it and put it in the freezer a few weeks ago, to assure it would be frozen solid for the task.

Next, I made the custard.  I mixed the egg yolks, sugar, and half-and-half.  I then cooked it over medium heat until it bubbled along the edge.  I returned it to the mixer, mixed in the whipping cream, vanilla, and salt and put it in the fridge to chill overnight.

The ice cream was soft, delicious, and enjoyed by all.

I'm happy to take on this birthday tradition.  I'm just not sure if I can wait until the next birthday to try out homemade chocolate ice cream!