Sunday, June 2, 2013

May Recipes 1 & 2 & Extra

May was all about quinoa for my recipe experiments.  Quinoa is incredibly easy to make and can be decked out numerous ways to get different flavors.

Both recipes were found on pinterest.

Recipe 1:  Crispy Quinoa Burgers

This recipe was a bit of a fail. The "burgers" that I made out of the quinoa didn't stay together very well in the pan.  They fell apart.  After attempting to keep a few pattys in shape I gave up and resorted to cooking everything together on the stove top like a stir fry.

The result was good, but not what I was hoping for.

Recipe 2:  Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Salad

This recipe was a bigger hit with Hubs.  This may be because he feels the urge to add buffalo sauce to many of his meals.  He doesn't like blue cheese so I kept the blue cheese out and only added it to my portions.  It was pretty tasty!

Extra:  Homemade Cheese Itz

Props to Hubs for this one.

I LOVE cheese itz.  I may be addicted to them.  I saw a recipe for homemade cheese itz on pinterest but passed by it because it looked like so much work.

Little did I know Hubs saw a recipe for homemade cheese itz online and thought he'd give it a whirl.  It took him a few hours in the kitchen, but boy were they tasty!

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