Friday, April 19, 2013

April Recipes 1 & 2 & Extra

The motto around here is that April showers bring May houses!!!  I've been a bit quiet in the blogsphere as our closing date gets closer. (10.More.Days!)

Despite being busy, I have not skipped out on my recipes this month!  Both of my April recipes were inspired by Pinterest.  I must admit, I've become a bit of a Pinterest addict.  I'm loving all of the ideas I get from it.  And it is just too easy to scroll through on my Kindle.

April Recipe 1:  Tortilla and Black Bean Pie

I was finally able to use up all of those black eyed peas I bought!

 April Recipe 2:  Stuffed Zucchini Boats

I modified several recipes I saw online on how to do this.  It ended up tasting like lasagna.  It was pretty good. It is Hubs proclaimed favorite of the recipe experimentation thus far.

I sat through a nutrition presentation at my running group 2 weeks ago and learned about healthier lunch options.  The main message was that we eat too many grains in our diets and not enough fruits and vegetables.

One of the presenters has been on a strict Paleo diet for 2 years and she spoke of how it helped her lose weight, get rid of acne, and get rid of eczema.  The other presenter talked about packing "bento" style lunches with little bits of different kinds of foods to keep things interesting.

I left the presentation with a handout of recipes of new things to try.  The nutrition presentation inspired the following bonus recipes.

Bonus 1:  Strawberry Banana Smoothies

This was a special treat for Sunday breakfast.  YUM!

Bonus 2:  Egg Bites

Egg bites are essentially little quiches that you can prepare in a mini muffin pan and then refrigerate.  We packed 4-5 bites each day for an alternative to the lunch time sandwich routine. 

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