Sunday, October 28, 2012

I've become a bag lady...

Confession:  I've become somewhat of a bag lady with all of the bags that I find myself lugging to and from work on a daily basis.  It's frustrating.  By the time I make it up 2 flights of stairs to the door of my apartment I'm out of breath and ready to throw the bags off of me. It's so much weight to be carrying around!

Guess what else?  Twice this past week I have left my keys in the doorknob!  This is probably because I can't wait to set bags down after opening the door.

I usually bring at least 4 bags to work on a daily basis:  my work backpack, my purse, my lunchbox, and a re-usuable shopping bag that plays the role of gym bag for the days I go to zumba.  I sometimes come home with even more bags if I stop at the grocery store or run a few errands on the way home.

This evening I switched out the work backpack for a more professional looking work tote.  I've had this tote since grad school and I'm going to see if I can condense my bag load by throwing my wallet and lunch in the work tote to eliminate two of the bags.

Let's see how this works...

How many bags do you take to and from work?

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